James Outland Reo Listings information San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara County
Reo Agent Resume James Outland Jr.
Knowledgeable and motivated real estate professional who utilizes technology to resourcefully generate leads and complete real estate transactions for a vast array of property types including REO, HUD and short sales. Thorough understanding of applicable regulations and exceptional ability to limit liability for the buyers, sellers and brokerage.
Residential, commercial and income real estate
Advanced capacity for computers and technology
Efficient document preparation and submission
High-tech approach and web-based lead generation
Strategic marketing and effective sales techniques
HUD, REO, and short sale property transactions
Persuasive communication and bargaining abilities
Loss mitigation and property preservation
Pertinent regulations, rules, laws, and standards
The organization, multitasking, and interpersonal skills
Outland and Associates Real Estate 2665 Shell Beach Road, Shell Beach, CA 93449 2007 to Present
Co-owner and Realtor®
Own, manage and serve as an instrumental component responsible for the REO success of the agency
Recognized the change in the real estate industry and transformed business practices to suit market needs
Handle pre-foreclosure services including property preservation, stabilization, loss mitigation, and valuations
Implement high-tech solutions to enhance business and generate leads including web advertising and SEO
Thoroughly prepare and submit documentation to successfully complete real estate sales and purchases
Coordinate buyers, sellers, lenders, title companies, contractors, utility companies, vendors and other agents
Achieve a remarkable sales record, which includes over 1,200 properties sold within the last eight years
Research regulations and incorporate current standards into office practices to ensure code compliance
Utilize technology to coordinate with the REO collaborative team that consists of a pre-marketer, eviction team, field service team, asset manager, portfolio manager and broker
Outland Inc. DBA Outland and Associates Real Estate 2007 to Current
Keller Williams Realty Pismo Beach, CA 2005-2007
Re/Max CA Grover Beach, CA 2001-2005
Established a significant client base and successfully conducted multifaceted real estate transactions
Acquired expertise and comprehensive knowledge of real estate rules, methods, regulations, and procedures
Real Estate Agent License 2001
Real Estate Broker’s License 2013
Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) 2008
e-PRO® Real Estate Technology 2004
National Association of Realtors® 2001
National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) 2011-2012
Reo Agent Directory: Reo Network Profile, Reo Industry Directory, Redbook Profile
How many Bank Owned Home and Traditional Homes has James Outland Jr. Sold? Currently, that number tops over 603 Homes, if you average out the since 2001 he has sold on average forty REO and Traditional homes a year.
Asset Management Experience: James Outland Jr. has been on the listing side of many different types of REO/ Foreclosure/ Short Sale/ or Distressed Properties. The Listings have ranged from residential single-family homes, multiple units, mobile homes, and commercial properties. When you break them down some were foreclosed upon because the HOA payments were late, others had we reverse mortgages known as HECUM and MECA, Some were the homeowners did a deed in Lue. James also has experience with lender directed or recommended as a Short Sale agent. James Outland Has worked with many different companies over the years and understands the challenges different asset management companies experience when trying to place an REO asset with a Real Estate Professional.
Current REO Listings:
83 10th Street Cayucos California, HUD Owned Home, Co-Listed
136 Pacific Dunes Way Guadalupe, Reverse Mortgage
520 South T Street Lompoc, Auction REO Property
736 Mercury Ave Lompoc, Auction REO Property
San Luis Obispo County and North Santa Barbara County
- Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
- Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
- Atascadero, CA 93422
- Atascadero, CA 93423
- Avila Beach, CA 93424
- Ballard, CA 93463
- Buellton, CA 93427
- Cayucos, CA 93430
- Cambria, CA 93428
- Cambria, CA 93435
- Creston, CA 93432
- Grover Beach, CA 93433
- Grover Beach, CA 93483
- Guadalupe, CA 93434
- Lompoc, CA 93436
- Lompoc, CA 93437
- Lompoc, CA 93438
- Los Alamos, CA 93440
- Los Olivos, CA 93441
- Los Osos, CA 93402
- Los Osos, CA 93412
- Morro Bay, CA 93442
- Morro Bay, CA 93443
- Nipomo, CA 93444
- Oceano, CA 93445
- Oceano, CA 93475
- Paso Robles, CA 93446
- Paso Robles, CA 93447
- Paso Robles, CA 93451
- Paso Robles, CA 93456
- Pismo Beach, CA 93448
- Pismo Beach, CA 93449
- Shandon, CA 93461
- San Simeon, CA 93452
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93409
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93410
- San Miguel, CA 93451
- Santa Margarita, CA 93453
- Santa Maria, CA 93454
- Santa Maria, CA 93455
- Santa Maria, CA 93456
- Santa Maria, CA 93457
- Santa Maria, CA 93458
- Santa Ynez, CA 93460
- Solvang, CA 93463
- Solvang, CA 93464
- Templeton, CA 93465
How does a buyer find a HUD Owned home for sale? Go to www.HUDHomeStore.com
James Outland REO Agent References: Please call James Outland on his Mobile 8057482262 or at the main company office 8054813939 or Email: James@Outlandinc.com Subject Reo Agent References.
#REOAgent # REOListings #REONetwork #ReoAssetManagement #BankOwnedHomes #HudOwnedHomesForSale #ShortSaleAgent # REOAgentResume #JamesOutland #OutlandRealEstate #Homes # Listing #Agent #REO #AssetManagement #HUD #REODirectory #SanLuisObispoCounty #SantaBarbaraCounty
REO Agent: James Outland Jr.